IP Paris

File a new report Access an existing report

You can use this platform to report situations of violence, including sexist and sexual violence, harassment, or discrimination that you have personally witnessed or experienced.

Talking about what you have gone through can be challenging, and this reporting platform is here to offer you the appropriate assistance, support, and a listening ear.

It is accessible to all students at the Graduate School IP Paris, IP Paris staff and adheres to current ethical standards and legal provisions.


All reports will be rigorously analyzed and followed up by the Institute's dedicated unit.

If necessary, an internal investigation at the Institut polytechnique de Paris may be initiated.

In case of an immediate emergency, please dial the emergency numbers: 17 for the police, 15 for emergency medical services, or 114 by SMS for individuals with speech or hearing impairments.

All communications via the platform will remain strictly confidential. The platform also allows you to stay anonymous while maintaining contact with a trained support person.

What happens after a report is submitted?

After submitting a report, the platform generates a unique confidential code that you must keep to access the tracking of your report and the secure messaging system from the home page.

Here are the different stages after you have submitted your report:

  • Step 1: Your report will be read by one of the platform's referents, and a response will be sent to you as soon as possible, and in any case within 72 hours. You can then discuss your needs in writing or face-to-face with the same trained person.
  • Step 2: After a few discussions, the referral person will meet with you and another referral person from the platform to receive your report. You can be accompanied if you wish.
  • Step 3: Your report will be forwarded to our IP Paris processing committee, which may decide to open an investigation. In all cases, follow-up and support will be provided.
  • Step 4: If an investigation is opened, it may lead to disciplinary proceedings.

Each alert has its own discussion system, allowing messages to be sent and received. These exchanges respect the choice of the authors of the alert to remain anonymous.

The Institut polytechnique de Paris has appointed referents who have been trained to deal with the different types of reports.

Only these people will have access to the information you send them via the platform.

You will be able to track your report and communicate with the contact person(s) using the confidential code generated by the platform when you submit your report.

This code must be retained for future reference.

All exchanges on the platform are fully secure and can be accessed by clicking on the "Access an existing report" button and entering your confidential code.

Is my report protected by confidentiality?

Reports are collected and processed in a manner that ensures strict confidentiality:

  • Of your identity;
  • Of the identity of the person(s) mentioned in the report;
  • Of any third parties mentioned in the report;
  • Of the documents, information, or data collected in the context of the report.

Those who need to access the content of the report take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the documents and information, whether during their collection, processing, or storage.

They are also bound by a strengthened written confidentiality agreemen

How is the admissibility of my report assessed?

The admissibility of your report will be assessed in particular with regard to the following criteria:

  • The facts or events reported are not contrary to the law, regulations or our ethics documents.
  • The facts or events reported are described in sufficient detail.
  • The report is made in good faith and without direct financial incentive.

Referrers for IP Paris

Here is the list of signalement.net referrers for the Institut polytechnique de Paris. 

They are responsible for processing reports in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and the ethical framework required by their role.

They only have access to reports registered on this platform. 

For Graduate School IP Paris students

Delphine Duprat, IP Paris Student Life Officer

person in the process of being appointed

For IP Paris staff

persons in the process of being appointed


There are also other channels available to listen to you if you feel the need to do so

Public services (in French)

3114 - Souffrance Prevention du Suicide number  

116 006 - France Victimes number  

3919 - Call Violence femme info

Comment on s'aime - https://commentonsaime.fr/le-tchat/

Drogues info services: toll-free number 0 800 231 313

Nightline - Free, anonymous, confidential, non-directive and non-judgmental student counselling service.

Nightline is available from 9pm to 2.30am, on 01 85 40 20 10, or by chat.

Thank you for your trust.